Kicking Off Plastic Free July

Kicking Off Plastic Free July

Being free of plastics is easy as 1,2,3.

Plastic Free July is a global challenge to refuse plastics for the entire month of July. Millions of people around the world are getting involved and taking the pledge to become part of the solution to the plastic problem. Here’s how you can get started in 3 steps.

  1. Once your trash bag is full, whether it takes a few days or a week, complete a trash audit. You will need to know what you’re throwing away in order to see where you can improve. Dumping out your trash can get messy so make sure it’s completed outside with gloves on. Look through the items and categorize them in a way that makes sense for you and take note of those that are recurring.

  2. Start to look for ways you can make changes to reduce that waste and begin with those that are easy and that you throw out the most. Tons of plastic water bottles? Invest in a high-quality reusable water bottle or use an old mason jar for your next refill. Tons of plastic bags from the grocery store? Start bringing a reusable bag to the store or reuse previous bags.

  3. Once you implement your changes, continue to look through the trash. Do you notice anything different or things you can improve on? Has your waste decreased at all? Evaluate and adjust as you go. Every change you make, big or small, is better than none at all.

Realistically, nothing is plastic free so it’s okay if you’re not perfect. Even the unassuming unpackaged fruits and vegetables have produce stickers that are usually made of plastic or glass bottles that come with a plastic safety seal. Although Plastic Free July can drive people towards sustainable changes and living, it does not account for those of different socioeconomic backgrounds. Plastic free living can be time consuming and is a privilege. However, recognizing your privilege, and choosing to make a difference when others can not, is how you create meaningful action.

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